Excel has always been an integral part of the Microsoft family. It is ideal for data analysis, evaluations and calculations yet companies use it as tool for corporate management. The …
Trapped in the past – How the A4 concept is slowing us down
“How can I print this?”, “Why won’t it print?”, “How do I get the content on to an A4?”. These are questions that we as a software company get from …
We make Software so that you achieve more
Our mission statement is, “We make software, so you can achieve more.” But how should a single piece of software revolutionize your everyday work in such a way? The answer …
Chaotic documentation? 5 rules for more order!
As different as professions are, they all have one thing in common: we need each other. For successful and coordinated cooperation, you have to mesh like cogs and support each …
Are you ready to take your business to the next level?
Hello, nice to have you here. You probably already know us. You may have already read some of our blog articles or product descriptions. For sure, you have read about …
QR code labels for your inventory items
After you have entered your inventory in qmBase, the question is how to make it as easy and seamless as possible to enter inspections. One approach is to create labels …
The audit went badly – now what?
You will encounter audits in several corporate contexts. They are used to checking compliance with legal requirements, standards or guidelines. They examine whether activities in the company are carried out …
How to master remote leadership as a leader
The past year has been marked by home office and quarantine. For many companies, this means redefining the way they work together. After all, managing a team that works better …
The solution for declining customer loyalty
Every company has often experienced that customers, even long-term existing customers, cancel their contracts, no longer want to purchase products or services. The customers migrate to a competitor company. In …
Business management with feet in the sand – True Story!
Working on the beach, white soft sand between the toes. Wonderful summers, mild winters. This is not utopia, it really works.
Why you should start using complaints as an opportunity
The year 2020 was a turbulent year full of ups and downs for all of us. We look back with you on our year 2020.
The qmBase annual review 2020
The year 2020 was a turbulent year full of ups and downs for all of us. We look back with you on our year 2020.
Improve your document management with qmBase
The EFQM model has been one of the leading management systems for quality management since the late 1980s. The model from the year 2013 was fundamentally modified and published in …
Automate training and qualifications – qmBase tips
The EFQM model has been one of the leading management systems for quality management since the late 1980s. The model from the year 2013 was fundamentally modified and published in …
Process claims even more efficiently – qmBase tips
The EFQM model has been one of the leading management systems for quality management since the late 1980s. The model from the year 2013 was fundamentally modified and published in …
EFQM Model 2020 – rethinking excellence
The EFQM model has been one of the leading management systems for quality management since the late 1980s. The model from the year 2013 was fundamentally modified and published in …
Grasping and realizing goals with qmBase
Each of us has goals, wants to grow beyond himself, and find something that drives him. We do the same in companies. We set goals, realize them, and set ourselves …
The PDCA cycle in Management systems
Some management systems of the ISO series, for example, ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, and ISO 45001 all have one thing in common. The requirements of the systems are based on …
An introduction to environmental management and the ISO 14001:2015
Oil spills, air pollution, contamination of the soil – these effects on the environment should be prevented by implementing an environmental management system. In this way, not only our habitat …
How agility helps you to overcome crises
Agility can help us not only in crises, as we are currently experiencing. Agile management offers companies numerous different advantages. But the current situation is very different from the problems …
Gather Lessons Learned with qmBase efficiently
Lessons Learned refers to the knowledge and experience gained from projects, which should serve as recommendations for future projects. The documentation of this experience knowledge thus represents an interface between …
Protection against cybercrime during the COVID-19 pandemic
The current COVID-19 pandemic not only has a significant impact on the global economy, society, culture, and politics, but also on crime. Cybercrime, i.e. criminal acts in the digital space, …
Complete guide to employee administration of qmBase
Mitarbeiter verwalten, Stellenbeschreibungen aufbauen, Organigramme automatisch erstellen, Mitarbeiterqualifikationen organisieren, Anforderungsprofile definieren, Schulungsbedarf ableiten – alle diese Dinge sind mit qmBase problemlos möglich. Damit das erfolgreich gelingt müssen die notwendigen Informationen …
Effectiveness assessment using Custom Fields
In this article we deal with the question of how an effectiveness check or effectiveness assessment for measures can be efficiently recorded and documented with qmBase. With the help of …
The new qmBase absence planner
Absence, vacation requests, home office, and short-time work: In many companies, employee absence planning is still time-consuming paperwork or error-prone Excel list. To help you work more efficiently, qmBase introduces …
7 types of waste – your way to more efficiency
Waste should be avoided as far as possible in companies, especially if your goal is to make processes as efficient, economical, and lean as possible. The concept of avoiding waste …
Asynchronous communication – the future for companies?
You are currently working on an important task, suddenly an employee comes in and has an urgent question. For your work, the question has no significance. It takes you an …
What are the causes of a bad working atmosphere
You, your employees and colleagues spend a considerable part of your life at work. The work serves to satisfy a wide range of conscious and unconscious demands and needs. Securing …
How to minimize defect costs in quality management
On closer examination and definition of quality-related costs, it is easy to see that this issue has long been the subject of controversial discussion. The pursuit of continuous quality improvement …
Protection against Coronavirus through Remote Work
No traffic jams and no train delays on the way to work. Flexible time management and less distraction from colleagues. These are just some of the advantages of Remote Work …
Pareto Analysis and Pareto Chart with free excel template
To increase and maintain quality in companies is a complex task and requires a strategic approach. The Pareto analysis facilitates the prioritization of errors and weaknesses in the company. The …
OKR – The Silicon Valley management framework
Do you know what your employees, colleagues, and superiors in the company want to achieve? And successfully do? How are the goals communicated in your company? To simplify target management and employee leadership, we introduce the OKR method to you in this blog post.
How to manage staff competencies effectively – Skill matrix
It’s crucial for businesses to define the demands for employees and to determine the training need. Learn more about skill management and the skill matrix.
Introduction to the concepts of change management
Inhalt 1. Introduction 2. What exactly does this mean 3. From Classics to the latest models 4. Three Phases of a change project 5. Eight steps of a change project …
Poka-Yoke – How to achieve zero-defect production
The Poka-Yoke principle is a simple method to avoid mistakes. Technical precautions are taken to either prevent production errors from the outset or to detect and correct them immediately. Poka-Yoke …
Quality management – successfully integrating employees
In the past, we have already dealt with the question of which prerequisites must be given for a successful quality management. However, we have so far looked at the company …
The Ishikawa Diagram and the 5 Why Method
History and application of the Ishikawa DiagramThe Ishikawa Diagram was developed in the ’40s of the last century by the Japanese scientist Kaoru Ishikawa and named after him. Other names …
The 8D-Report as a problem-solving process
The 8D-Report is a method for the analytical development and documentation of the sustainable elimination of a deficiency. It is also frequently used in communication with customers and suppliers and …
qmBase receives 125k Euro grant
qmBase receives 125k Euro grant by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy & the European Social Fund.
Introducing qmBase – Quality in your hands
We are happy to present you qmBase. We are offering our customers a turnkey solution to implement an active quality management system (QMS) inside their organizations.