
Agieren statt reagieren.




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Kundenorientierung stärken.

Potenziale erkennen.

Kontakte pflegen.

Kunden gewinnen.

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Effiziente Dokumentenlenkung

Dokumente einfach lenken.

Dokumente besser organisieren.

Dokumente besser finden.

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Bauen Sie Ihre eigene App.




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Innovationen schaffen.

Mitarbeiter motivieren.

Umsatz steigern.

Kosten sparen.

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Instandhaltung & Prüfmittel

Leistungsfähig bleiben.

Wartungsplanung automatisieren.

Geschäftsbetrieb aufrechterhalten.

Effizienter Arbeiten.

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Mitarbeiter effizient verwalten.

Stellenbeschreibungen zentral pflegen.

Erstellung von Organigrammen automatisieren.

Vertreterregelungen zentral definieren.

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Projekte & Maßnahmen

Mehr Kontrolle, mehr Fortschritt.

Teams führen.

Aufgaben steuern.

Produktiver arbeiten.

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Kundenzufriedenheit steigern.

Prozesse standardisieren.

Kontrolle gewinnen.

Einheitliche Ergebnisse produzieren.

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Dashboard & Reportings

Auswertungen auf Knopfdruck.

Analysen automatisieren.

Zeit sparen.

Bessere Entscheidungen treffen.

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Besser durch Reklamationen.

Kundenfeedback nutzen.

Prozesse verbessern.

Fehler vermeiden.

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Risiken & Chancen

Chancen nutzen, Risiken reduzieren.




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Schulungen & Qualifikationen

Schulungsmanagement automatisieren.

Anforderungsprofile erstellen.

Qualifikationen überwachen.

Schulungsbedarf erkennen.

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Alle gemeinsam, statt jeder für sich.

Wissen erhalten.

Wissen teilen.

Gemeinsam wachsen.

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Ziele & Kennzahlen

Mit Plan zum Ziel.

Ziele ausrufen.

Fortschritt nachverfolgen.

Mehr erreichen.

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Claim Management Software Starting Page

Process complaints more efficiently

Simple workflow for recording and processing complaints.

Automatischer Aufbau der Qualifikationsmatrix

Automatische Identifikation des Schulungsbedarfs der Mitarbeiter

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Making connections visible

Link complaints directly to measures and causes of errors.

Automatische Aktualisierung von  Mitarbeiterprofilen und  Qualifikationsmatrix nach Schulungen

Automatische Generierung von Stellenbeschreibungen und Organigrammen

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Automatic evaluations

Automatic dashboard for all your complaints.

Einfacher CSV-Import von Mitarbeiterdaten, Qualifikationen, etc.

Einfacher CSV-Export aller Daten

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Generating an 8D-Reports

Create 8D-Reports automatically.

Automatische Überwachung aller Qualifikationen und deren Fristen

Automatische Benachrichtigungen über aufkommenden Schulungsbedarf

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Automatic documentation for your management system

Everything you need for your certification.

Automatische Auswertungen, Charts und Diagramme

Umfassende individuelle Filter für die Informationen die Sie brauchen

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Immediately ready for use through the import of master data

Start directly with your data.

Alle Informationen werden direkt für Ihr Managementsystem dokumentiert (z.B. IS0 9001 - Qualitätsmanagement oder ISO 14001 - Umweltmanagement)

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Claim Management Software Starting Page
Claim Management Software
Linking measures with complaints in Claim Management
Evaluations in Claim Management
Generate automatic 8D Reports for Complaints
Documentation auf Complaints for your Management System
Import Master Data

(Bild anklicken für Diashow)

Process complaints more efficiently

Simple workflow for recording and processing complaints.
Claim Management Software

Simple Claim Management software

Clear assignment of responsibilities and deadlines

Individualization of the complaint recording

Recording of error causes and costs

Automatic evaluations

With the Claim management software from qmBase, you can easily record all your complaints. The standardized data collection of your complaints offers you numerous advantages.

Complaints can be standardized and processed more efficiently. The information collected in Claim management can be adapted directly to your requirements. Responsibilities and deadlines are clearly defined.

Actions, costs, and causes of errors can be recorded directly with every complaint. The uniform data collection of the claim management enables automatic evaluations.

All complaints can be structured and prioritized using keywords.

Making connections visible

Link complaints directly to measures and causes of errors.
Linking measures with complaints in Claim Management

With qmBase claim management, you can assign any number of actions (e.g. immediate measures, corrective measures, and preventive measures) directly to each complaint. Each measure has individual deadlines and responsibilities. The causes of errors can also be assigned to each complaint directly. 

Through these assignments, the necessary connections for efficient and motivated processing become visible.

Link complaints directly to immediate measures, corrective measures or preventive measures

Content links create the necessary context for motivated and efficient processing

Automatic evaluations

Automatic dashboard for all your complaints.
Evaluations in Claim Management

Extensive automatic evaluations

More efficient information processing

Relief of the employees

The qmBase Claim management creates a dashboard for all your complaints automatically.

You always have an overview of the processing status of all complaints, which products are most often complained about and which errors cause the highest costs. The presentation of these coherences and causalities helps to determine and prioritize the necessary measures.

It's a great effort to create and maintain similar evaluations manually. The qmBase complaint management relieves your employees and creates capacities for more productive activities.

Generating an 8D-Reports

Create 8D-Reports automatically.
Generate automatic 8D Reports for Complaints

Claim Management software with easy creation of 8D reports

8D Reports simply compiled from the information linked to the complaint

The 8D-report is a popular tool for processing complaints and the necessary communication between customers and suppliers.

All information about the different disciplines of an 8D-report (team, problem description, immediate measures, causes of errors, corrective measures, effectiveness and results, preventive measures, team success) are available in the Claim management app.

The team results from the persons responsible for the complaint and the associated tasks, the problem description from the complaint description, the error cause from the linked error, and the immediate, corrective, and preventive action from the linked tasks.
The complete 8-D-report can be created in just a few steps, saved, and exported as a PDF file.

Automatic documentation for your management system

Everything you need for your certification.
Documentation auf Complaints for your Management System

Claim Management for your management system

Documentation of corrective and preventive actions

Best preparation for the next audit

Some management systems are familiar with the concept of complaints. For quality management systems (e.g. ISO 9001, ISO 13485) which deal with product manufacturing and customer satisfaction, the use of the term is obvious.

Many other management systems are only familiar with the concept of non-conformity, the deviation from a target state. Regardless of the name, the requirements of the management systems are similar. It is required that the cause of the deviation is researched, corrective measures are taken, and a repetition of similar deviations is restricted. This usually results in a call for corrective and preventive actions.

In our claim management, it does not matter whether you list complaints or non-conformities. All information is recorded and stored according to the requirements. This way, you are fully equipped for any questions from your auditor.

Immediately ready for use through the import of master data

Start directly with your data.
Import Master Data

The qmBase complaint management makes it easy for you to get started.

All necessary customer and product data can easily be imported directly into the system via CSV.

This gets you up and running in just a few minutes.

By the way, all information can easily be exported again as a CSV file.

Alternatively, qmBase can also be synchronized directly with your ERP system.

Simple data import

Simple data export

Immediately applicable