
Agieren statt reagieren.




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Kundenorientierung stärken.

Potenziale erkennen.

Kontakte pflegen.

Kunden gewinnen.

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Effiziente Dokumentenlenkung

Dokumente einfach lenken.

Dokumente besser organisieren.

Dokumente besser finden.

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Bauen Sie Ihre eigene App.




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Innovationen schaffen.

Mitarbeiter motivieren.

Umsatz steigern.

Kosten sparen.

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Instandhaltung & Prüfmittel

Leistungsfähig bleiben.

Wartungsplanung automatisieren.

Geschäftsbetrieb aufrechterhalten.

Effizienter Arbeiten.

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Mitarbeiter effizient verwalten.

Stellenbeschreibungen zentral pflegen.

Erstellung von Organigrammen automatisieren.

Vertreterregelungen zentral definieren.

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Projekte & Maßnahmen

Mehr Kontrolle, mehr Fortschritt.

Teams führen.

Aufgaben steuern.

Produktiver arbeiten.

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Kundenzufriedenheit steigern.

Prozesse standardisieren.

Kontrolle gewinnen.

Einheitliche Ergebnisse produzieren.

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Dashboard & Reportings

Auswertungen auf Knopfdruck.

Analysen automatisieren.

Zeit sparen.

Bessere Entscheidungen treffen.

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Besser durch Reklamationen.

Kundenfeedback nutzen.

Prozesse verbessern.

Fehler vermeiden.

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Risiken & Chancen

Chancen nutzen, Risiken reduzieren.




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Schulungen & Qualifikationen

Schulungsmanagement automatisieren.

Anforderungsprofile erstellen.

Qualifikationen überwachen.

Schulungsbedarf erkennen.

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Alle gemeinsam, statt jeder für sich.

Wissen erhalten.

Wissen teilen.

Gemeinsam wachsen.

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Ziele & Kennzahlen

Mit Plan zum Ziel.

Ziele ausrufen.

Fortschritt nachverfolgen.

Mehr erreichen.

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Dokumentenmanagement Software Dokumentenlandschaft

Save time through intelligent document control

Simple release process and automatic versioning of documents.

Automatischer Aufbau der Qualifikationsmatrix

Automatische Identifikation des Schulungsbedarfs der Mitarbeiter

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Finally structure document storage reasonably

Structure your documents with keywords and overcome the limitations of folder structures.

Automatische Aktualisierung von  Mitarbeiterprofilen und  Qualifikationsmatrix nach Schulungen

Automatische Generierung von Stellenbeschreibungen und Organigrammen

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Set up document references error-free and permanently

Links always lead to the latest version of the target document.

Einfacher CSV-Import von Mitarbeiterdaten, Qualifikationen, etc.

Einfacher CSV-Export aller Daten

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Establish appealing process landscapes

Offer your employees easy and process-oriented access to documents.

Automatische Überwachung aller Qualifikationen und deren Fristen

Automatische Benachrichtigungen über aufkommenden Schulungsbedarf

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Filter & Search functions

Finally finding what you're looking for.

Automatische Auswertungen, Charts und Diagramme

Umfassende individuelle Filter für die Informationen die Sie brauchen

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Automatic documentation for your management system

Everything you need for your certification.

Alle Informationen werden direkt für Ihr Managementsystem dokumentiert (z.B. IS0 9001 - Qualitätsmanagement oder ISO 14001 - Umweltmanagement)

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Dokumentenmanagement Software Dokumentenlandschaft
Document GRaph im Dokumentenmanagement

(Bild anklicken für Diashow)

Save time through intelligent document control

Simple release process and automatic versioning of documents.
Document management entry

Simple document management software

Easy document control

Approval process for documents

Automatic versioning

Automatic notification of employees about document updates

Manage all your documents systematically, using the qmBase document management software.

All documents are always subject to a release process and automatic version control. This ensures that your employees only work with current and valid documents. The document management software collects and archives old document versions automatically.

With qmBase document management, you also ensure that your employees have access to the latest versions of your documents from anywhere.

Employees are automatically notified of document updates. The notification of employees of the new document version is automatically documented.

Finally structure document storage reasonably

Structure your documents with keywords and overcome the limitations of folder structures.
Structure document management with keywords

For the filing of a document, often more than one folder is suitable. How do you ensure that employees can find the documents straight away?

Use keywords to overcome the limitations of folder structures. With the qmBase document management software, you can assign any number of keywords to each document. For example, you can simultaneously assign a document to a category, a process, a business unit, and a management system:

Process description Bid proposal management Sales department ISO 9001

Employees can find the document using any of these keywords, no matter which approach they choose.

Structure document management with keywords

Give employees more opportunities to find documents quickly

Set up document references error-free and permanently

Links always lead to the latest version of the target document.
Linking documents in document management

Stable links between documents

Automatic visualization of all links within the document management

With qmBase document management software, you can finally put documents into useful relations.

Document management actively supports you in linking your documents to each other. The documents to be linked are automatically proposed and the link is used. All links within the document management are stable and always refer to the latest version of the target document

The times of incorrect links within your documents are finally over.

All links between the documents are automatically visualized in the Document Graph. So you always have an overview of how your documents are related.

Establish appealing process landscapes

Offer your employees easy and process-oriented access to documents.
Process landscape document management software

Visualize process landscapes in document management

Link process landscape directly with necessary documents and processes

Visualization of processes in documents

In qmBase document management software, you not only map classic documents such as procedural instructions, forms, or process descriptions. 

You also have the option of visualizing your entire process landscape and presenting it appropriately. The process landscapes can be displayed completely freely. For example, you can structure your business processes according to any criteria, such as management processesservice processes, and supporting processes. Each element of the process landscape can link directly to a specific document or a folder containing numerous documents.

In this way, document management offers your employees simple and process-oriented access to all documents in your company.

Filter & Search functions

Finally finding what you're looking for.
Document Management Software Search

The qmBase document management software has different approaches to how you can search and filter documents.

Use the regular search to search for the title of documents. Use the advanced search for further search criteria. A full-text search, a search by author, and publication date or by keywords is available. Combine keywords to narrow down the search results until you find the right document.

Search for different parameters

Find the document you need faster

Automatic documentation for your management system

Everything you need for your certification.
Documentation for management system in document management

Fulfilment of all requirements for document management

Complete documentation of the document control system

Perfect preparation for the audit

Many different management systems (e.g. ISO 9001) place comprehensive requirements on the control of documents.

Usually, it must be ensured that all documents have been reviewed and released. All document versions must be identifiable (versioning). It must be ensured that employees only work with valid and released documents. Invalid documents must be retrieved. The documents must be available to the employees at their workplace.

The document management of qmBase supports you in all requirements and records all this information for you. This way, the next audit becomes a piece of cake.

It makes no difference whether you are certified according to ISO 9001 (quality management), ISO 14001 (environmental management), ISO 27001 (IT security management), ISO 13485 (quality management in medical technology), or a comparable standard.