
Agieren statt reagieren.




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Kundenorientierung stärken.

Potenziale erkennen.

Kontakte pflegen.

Kunden gewinnen.

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Effiziente Dokumentenlenkung

Dokumente einfach lenken.

Dokumente besser organisieren.

Dokumente besser finden.

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Innovationen schaffen.

Mitarbeiter motivieren.

Umsatz steigern.

Kosten sparen.

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Instandhaltung & Prüfmittel

Leistungsfähig bleiben.

Wartungsplanung automatisieren.

Geschäftsbetrieb aufrechterhalten.

Effizienter Arbeiten.

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Mitarbeiter effizient verwalten.

Stellenbeschreibungen zentral pflegen.

Erstellung von Organigrammen automatisieren.

Vertreterregelungen zentral definieren.

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Projekte & Maßnahmen

Mehr Kontrolle, mehr Fortschritt.

Teams führen.

Aufgaben steuern.

Produktiver arbeiten.

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Kundenzufriedenheit steigern.

Prozesse standardisieren.

Kontrolle gewinnen.

Einheitliche Ergebnisse produzieren.

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Dashboard & Reportings

Auswertungen auf Knopfdruck.

Analysen automatisieren.

Zeit sparen.

Bessere Entscheidungen treffen.

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Besser durch Reklamationen.

Kundenfeedback nutzen.

Prozesse verbessern.

Fehler vermeiden.

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Risiken & Chancen

Chancen nutzen, Risiken reduzieren.




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Schulungen & Qualifikationen

Schulungsmanagement automatisieren.

Anforderungsprofile erstellen.

Qualifikationen überwachen.

Schulungsbedarf erkennen.

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Alle gemeinsam, statt jeder für sich.

Wissen erhalten.

Wissen teilen.

Gemeinsam wachsen.

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Ziele & Kennzahlen

Mit Plan zum Ziel.

Ziele ausrufen.

Fortschritt nachverfolgen.

Mehr erreichen.

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Homepage of the task management software

Leading employees more efficiently

Clearly define responsibilities and deadlines, present work progress transparently.
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Making context visible

Clearly highlight the interrelationships and causalities within the company.
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Structure all tasks with keywords

Organise measures thematically using keywords.
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Filter & Search functions

Create and save individual filters.
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Automatic evaluations

Automatic dashboard for all projects and measures.
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Automatic documentation for your management system

Everything you need for your certification.

Sofort einsatzbereit durch den Import von Stammdaten

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Homepage of the task management software
Task Management Boards
Task management Context of the tasks
Task management structure with keywords
Task Management Filter
Task management Dahsboard
Task management Project management

(Bild anklicken für Diashow)

Leading employees more efficiently

Clearly define responsibilities and deadlines, present work progress transparently.
Task Management Board

Simple task management software

Simple project management software

Clear and simple employee leadership

The best way to lead employees efficiently is to express tasks and expectations clearly. With qmBase task management, tasks, responsibilities, and deadlines are clearly defined. Employees are automatically informed about their tasks.

The progress of work is directly and transparently tracked in the system. qmBase task management thus promotes asynchronous communication and creates the conditions for efficient work.

Any number of tasks can also be combined directly into a project. Each project is assigned a task, deadline, and responsibility. Thus, you can also map your project management.

Making context visible

Clearly highlight the interrelationships and causalities within the company.
Linking task management with context

For the motivation of the employees, they must know the context of their task. They must, therefore, understand why the things they do are relevant.

With qmBase task measure management, you link the tasks directly to their context. For example, you can directly assign each measure to corporate goals, complaints, audits, opportunities, or risks.

Through these assignments, the correlations that are necessary for efficient and motivated processing become visible.

Creating the necessary context for the employees

Assign goals, audits, opportunities & risks etc. directly from the action management

Structure all tasks with keywords

Organise measures thematically using keywords.
Organize task management with keywords

Organize all tasks in your qmBase tasks management with the help of keywords.

Keywords offer you the possibility to assign or prioritize measures to one or more subject areas.

Keywords allow you to organize all measures and tasks of your company in a flexible way, e.g:

Customer Acquisition ISO 9001 Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3

Organization of the task management with keywords

Prioritization of tasks with keywords

Filter & Search functions

Create and save individual filters.
Task management Filter

Structure task management with individual filters

Saving filters permanently

Efficient search & filter functions are essential for productive work. The qmBase task management allows you to filter all your tasks according to very individual criteria and to save these filters for the future.

You want to see all the important and open tasks of your team? You can set the filter by the processing status, the names of your team members, and the keyword Priority 1 The desired results are displayed directly.

To have a permanent overview of your team's tasks, simply save the filter as Smart View and access the filter results in the future with just one click.

Automatic evaluations

Automatic dashboard for all projects and measures.
Measure management Dahsboard

In the Dashboard & Reporting area, all projects and tasks are evaluated company-wide and graphically prepared.

This saves you and your employees the time-consuming creation of reports for meetings or for management.

The qmBase measure management or project management thus relieves you and your employees

Automatic reporting for all projects and tasks

Relief for the employees

Automatic documentation for your management system

Everything you need for your certification.
Task management to support management systems

Action management simplifies the implementation of management systems

Simple documentation of the necessary corrective actions, preventive actions and improvement measures

Documentation of the required context of tasks

The implementation and documentation of measures is an essential component of numerous management systems (e.g. ISO 9001, IS0 14001 and similar).

In particular, corrective and preventive measures, in connection with complaints and non-conformities are essential requirements of these management systems. 

In many cases, actions are required to deal with risks & opportunities or to avert danger.

For the control of the management systems, for the achievement of their objectives, and their continuous improvement actions must be planned, implemented, documented, and assessed.

Measures from the management evaluation or management review are required as well. Structured task management is, therefore, essential for the successful implementation of management systems.

With qmBase measure management, implementation, documentation of measures, and allocation of the required context becomes very simple.