
Agieren statt reagieren.




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Kundenorientierung stärken.

Potenziale erkennen.

Kontakte pflegen.

Kunden gewinnen.

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Effiziente Dokumentenlenkung

Dokumente einfach lenken.

Dokumente besser organisieren.

Dokumente besser finden.

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Bauen Sie Ihre eigene App.




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Innovationen schaffen.

Mitarbeiter motivieren.

Umsatz steigern.

Kosten sparen.

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Instandhaltung & Prüfmittel

Leistungsfähig bleiben.

Wartungsplanung automatisieren.

Geschäftsbetrieb aufrechterhalten.

Effizienter Arbeiten.

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Mitarbeiter effizient verwalten.

Stellenbeschreibungen zentral pflegen.

Erstellung von Organigrammen automatisieren.

Vertreterregelungen zentral definieren.

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Projekte & Maßnahmen

Mehr Kontrolle, mehr Fortschritt.

Teams führen.

Aufgaben steuern.

Produktiver arbeiten.

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Kundenzufriedenheit steigern.

Prozesse standardisieren.

Kontrolle gewinnen.

Einheitliche Ergebnisse produzieren.

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Dashboard & Reportings

Auswertungen auf Knopfdruck.

Analysen automatisieren.

Zeit sparen.

Bessere Entscheidungen treffen.

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Besser durch Reklamationen.

Kundenfeedback nutzen.

Prozesse verbessern.

Fehler vermeiden.

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Risiken & Chancen

Chancen nutzen, Risiken reduzieren.




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Schulungen & Qualifikationen

Schulungsmanagement automatisieren.

Anforderungsprofile erstellen.

Qualifikationen überwachen.

Schulungsbedarf erkennen.

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Alle gemeinsam, statt jeder für sich.

Wissen erhalten.

Wissen teilen.

Gemeinsam wachsen.

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Ziele & Kennzahlen

Mit Plan zum Ziel.

Ziele ausrufen.

Fortschritt nachverfolgen.

Mehr erreichen.

Mehr erfahren
Dashboards & Reportings

Verwaltung aller Unternehmensprozesse

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Verknüpfungen von Prozessen mit Input- und Output

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Verknüpfungen mit den dazugehörigen Prozessdokumenten

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Verknüpfungen mit Risiken und Chancen

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Verknüpfungen mit Zielen und Kennzahlen

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Verknüpfungen kundenspezifischer Anforderungen

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Prozessmanagement Coming soon

(Bild anklicken für Diashow)

Automatic evaluations for systematic corporate management

Use Dashboard & Reporting for better decisions.

Automatic dashboards

Evaluations for all qmBase apps

Dashboard & Reportings automatically evaluates all activities in all qmBase apps for you:

  Audit Management  CRM  Document Management
 Form Generator
Idea Management
Maintenance & Test Equipment
Projects & Tasks
Process Management
Claim Management
Risks & Opportunities
Trainings & Qualifications
Goals & KPIs

With just one click you can get a quick insight into the status of your company or your management system. All relevant data is automatically analysed and processed. Constant monitoring of the diverse and extensive information is an important part of corporate management. It serves for monitoring and control as well as for the analysis and evaluation of processes. In this way, problem areas can be uncovered, prevented and averted.

The App Dashboard & Reportings pursues the goal of identifying and developing the actual effectiveness of all processes in the company.

Automatic evaluations for systematic corporate management

Use Dashboard & Reporting for your management review.

Support for management evaluation

Better preparation for audits

Management systems generally explicitly do not require comprehensive automatic evaluations of all activities associated with the management system.

However, almost all management systems require regular management assessments or management reviews. In these reviews, the system as a whole and the activities associated with it must be assessed. A central information system with automatic evaluations of the activities simplifies the preparation and execution of these evaluations considerably.

Release and versioning process for all articles

Stay in control of the quality of your corporate wiki.
Wiki Software Release Process

Workflow for the release of articles

Automatic versioning of all articles


The qmBase Wiki software has a simple workflow for the release and automatic versioning of all articles. If an article is revised in the company wiki, a new revision number is automatically assigned. Old versions of the article are automatically archived, while employees only have access to the latest version. Employees are automatically informed about the new version.

Thanks to the revision history, it is always possible to transparently track how the content has developed over time for each article.

Extensive filter & search functions

Find all the articles you are looking for.
Article filtering and searching in the company wiki

Search for different parameters

Find articles faster

The qmBase enterprise wiki software offers different approaches to search and filter your articles.

Use the regular search to search for the title of articles. Use the advanced search for further search criteria. A full text search, a search by author and publication date or by keywords is available. Combine keywords to narrow down the search results until you find the right article.

Set up links in the Wiki properly and permanently

Links always lead to the latest version of your articles.
Link articles permanently in the company wiki

Stable links between all articles

Automatic support for the linking of articles


Frequently there are links to articles on the company wiki. Either because an article refers to another article or because an article is linked to from outside the wiki.

With the qmBase Wiki software, these links are permanently stable. The links always refer to the latest version of the article.

When writing the articles, you are automatically supported in selecting the right links. Incorrect links are excluded.

Automatic documentation for your management system

Everything you need for your certification.
Detail page for articles in Wiki

ISO 9001 and comparable management systems require that necessary knowledge be maintained and made available to employees to the extent necessary.

The qmBase company wiki offers you exactly this functionality and supports you in implementing your management system. Your auditor will be delighted.

Support for your management system

Excite your auditor